
Elusive Belonging: Marriage Immigrants and “Multiculturalism” in Rural South Korea

Korean Studies Colloquium
Minjeong Kim, San Diego State University
Oct 31, 2019 - at - | Williams Hall 623

Based on ethnographic fieldwork, Minjeong Kimexamines Filipinas who married rural South Korean bachelors in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Against a backdrop of the South Korean government’s multicultural policies and projects aimed at integrating marriage im­migrants, Kimprovides a nuanced understanding of both the conflicts and emotional attachments of their relationships with marital families and communities. Her close-up accounts of the day-to-day operations of the state’s multicul­tural policies and public programs show inti­mate relationships between Filipinas, South Korean husbands, in-laws, and multicultural agents, and how various emotions of love, care, anxiety, and gratitude affect immigrant women’s fragmented citizenship and elusive sense of belonging to their new country.

Minjeong Kim is an Associate Professor and Chair for the Department of Sociology at San Diego State University.