
The Outbreak of the Jōkyū War (1221)

Triangulating Myth and History in Medieval Japan
Michael McCarty

In the Jōkyū War of 1221, retired emperor Go-Toba declared war on the Hōjō warrior family in attempt to destroy Japan’s first warrior government, the Kamakura bakufu, which had shared power with the imperial…

Through the Looking-Glass

A Glimpse into the Linguistic Ecology of Hainan Island
Dr. Zeng Xiuwei May 曾綉薇

Textual records about Hainan Island are scarce due to its remoteness and inhabitation predominantly by non-Han peoples until the 10th century CE. That the island has been settled by people of different ethnic groups…

EALC Speakers' Colloquium

Shaoling Ma

Kin and Kind

The Vocabulary of Ethnicity in Medieval China
Shao-yun Yang