Janice earned her BA and MPhil in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on early to medieval Chinese texts, with a particular interest in manuscripts and commentaries.
Selected Publications
"From Cai Mo to Yan Shigu: Formation and Evolution of the Annotated Hanshu in Medieval China" 從蔡到顏:中古《漢書》注本之形成與嬗變. MPhil thesis. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2024.
"The Compilation and Study of Yao Cha’s Hanshu Xunzuan: Focusing on Its Relation to Yan Shigu’s Hanshu Commentary" 姚察《漢書訓纂》輯佚及研究——以姚察注與顏師古注之關係為中心. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies. 清華學報53.4 (2023). DOI: 10.6503/THJCS.202312_53(4).0001.