Ms. Tomoko Takami

Headshot Of Ms. Tomoko Takami

Director of Modern Japanese Language ProgramSenior Lecturer in Foreign Languages


802 Williams Hall

Office Hours
Fall 2024: MW 2:15-3:15 or by appointment: please email for appointment.
  • EdM, Columbia University
  • MS, University of Pennsylvania
Courses Taught
  • JPAN0100/0200: Beginning Japanese I and II
  • JPAN0210/0410: Intensive Beginning Japanese I and II
  • JPAN0300/0400: Beginning Japanese III and IV
  • JPAN0500/0600: Intermediate Japanese I and II
  • JPAN0700/0800: Advanced Japanese I and II
  • JPAN0760/0860: Japanese for the Professions I and II
  • JPAN1040/1045: Advanced Japanese III and IV
Selected Publications


  • Co-editor, Mirai wo tsukuru kotobano kyooiku wo mezashite: Hihanteki naiyoojyuushi no gengokyooiku no riron to jissen [Language Education for Social Future: Critical Content-Based Instruction] (2015, 2nd printing 2018). Co-editor with Shinji Sato, Uichi Kamiyoshi, and Yuri Kumagai. Tokyo: Coco Syuppan.
  • Chukyu kara nobasu Bijinesu keesu de manabu nihongo.(Powering Up Your Japanese through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese) (2014; 11th printing 2024)  Tokyo: The Japan Times, Inc. 

Book Chapters:

  • Chukyu-chu/jo no gakushushaga jokyu wo mezasu katsudo (Activities for Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate Learners Aiming for Advanced Proficiency)."  In Miura and Watanabe (Eds.), PBI (Proficiency-Based Instruction) ni yoru niohnngo kyoiku no jissen [Proficiency-Based Instruction: Practical Applications in Japanese Language Education]. Pp.148-164. Tokyo: Bonjinsha. (2024)
  • Beikoku daigaku no bijinesu nihongo koosu ni okeru nakyoojyuushi no hihanteki gengokyooiku no kokoromi (A study of Critical Content-Based Instruction in Business Japanese Course in the United States).”   In Sato, Takami, Kamiyoshi, and Kumagai (Eds.), Mirai wo tsukuru kotobano kyooiku wo mezashite: Hihanteki naiyoojyuushi no gengokyooiku no riron to jissen [Language Education for Social Future: Critical Content-Based Instruction]. Pp. 297-322.  Tokyo: Coco Syuppan. (2015)
  • “Amerika ni okeru naiyo jyuushino nihongo kyoiku (Content -Based Instruction in the US)”. Co-author with Shinji Sato, Yuri Kumagai, Astushi Hasegawa, and Akemi Morioka.  In Sato, Takami, Kamiyoshi, and Kumagai (Eds.), Mirai wo tsukuru kotobano kyooiku wo mezashite: Hihanteki naiyoojyuushi no gengokyooiku no riron to jissen [Language Education for Social Future: Critical Content-Based Instruction]. Tokyo: Coco Syuppan.  Pp 77-121. (2015)
  • “Building Connections between Language and Culture Learning: A Hybrid Curriculum Model for More Effective Business Japanese Teaching.” (2010). In M. Gueldry (Eds) How Globalizing Professions Deal with National Languages: Studies in Cultural Studies and Cooperation (pp.79-99) The Edwin Mellen Press.

Articles (Selected):

  • “New Approach to Business Japanese Instruction: Content-Based Instruction Using Business Cases.” (2017).  Journal of Japanese Linguistics. 33 (pp.65-74). 
  • Review article, “Shigeru Osuka- Japanese for Healthcare Professionals: Introduction to Medical Japanese”  (2015)  Japanese Language and Literature. 49 (2). (pp. 375- 380). American Association of Teachers of Japanese.
  • “Infusing the National Standards into Business Language Curriculum” (2010) Global Business Languages. 15, Article 4. Purdue University CIBER.
    Available at:
  • Editor, “Meeting Student Needs: Perspectives on Teaching Japanese for Professional   Purposes” (2010). Association of Teachers of Japanese Occasional Paper.
  • "Introduction." “Meeting Student Needs: Perspectives on Teaching Japanese for Professional  Purposes.” (2010) Association of Teachers of Japanese Occasional Paper.
  • “Employing International Business Cases for Business Language Instruction.”  (2008)  Global Business Languages. 13 (pp 63-79). Purdue University CIBER.
  • “A Study on Closing Section of Japanese Telephone Conversation.”  (2002). Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, vol. 18. Philadelphia, USA:  University of Pennsylvania


    Conference Proceedings:

    • "Afurika no niizu ni awaseta bijinesu nihongo kyoiku (Business Japanese Education meeting the needs in Africa)"  Japanese Language Teachers' Association in Ethiopia (JLTAE) (ed.) (2024) Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Japanese Language Education in Africa, 27-29 September 2019. Pp 173-183.
    • "Gurobaru jinzai no ikusei wo mezashita shokyu bijinesu nihongo: mogi jyugyo - bijinesu jokyo deno shotaimen aisatu (Cultivating Global Talent through Introductory Business Japanese: Teaching Demonstration on First-Time Greetings in Business Contexts) "Japanese Language Teachers' Association in Ethiopia (JLTAE) (ed.) (2024) Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Japanese Language Education in Africa, 27-29 September 2019. Pp 184-191.
    • “21seiki ni motomerareru kaigaino bijinesu nihongo kyoiku (Business Japanese Language Education outside of Japan for the 21st Century).”  (2023). Proceedings of International Symposium on Japanese Language Education 2022.  Pp.156-164.
    • "Posuto korona no nihongo kyoiku: “Connections” ni kansuru koosatsu (Post-Covid Japanese Language Education: Inquiry of “Connections).” (2022) Proceeding of The 29th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference.  Pp 21-31.
    • Beikoku daigakuni okeru jisedai gurobaru jinzaino ikuseiwo mezasu kyoiku jissen (Cultivating next-generation global human resources: A case of business Japanese instruction  in an American university).” (2018)  Proceeding of the International Conference of Japanese Language Education (ICJLE) .  Pp. 137-148.
    • Bujinesu nihongo no projekuto ni okeru manabino komyuniti wo mezasu kokoromi (An Attempt to Build Learning Community through a Project in Business Japanese).” (2014) Proceedings of the 21st Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum.  Pp 1-10.  Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University
    • “Integrating language and content: A case study of intermediate Japanese for professions.”  (2005). In R. Jourdenais, & S. Springer (Eds.), Content, Tasks and Projects in the Language Classroom: 2004 Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-77). Monterey, CA: Monterey Institute of International Studies.

      Keynote/Plenary Speaker: The 26th Annual Conference of National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (2023)The 29th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference (2022); The International Symposium on Japanese Language Education conference hosted by the University of Bucharest, Romania (2022); The 1st Conference on Japanese Language Education in Africa (2019)

      Invited Workshop Facilitator/Instructor (Selected): The Korean Association of Japanese Education (2024); University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2023); Japanese Teachers of Association in Texas (2023, 2017); New York University (2018); Ohio Association of Teachers of Japanese (2018); Illinois Association of Teachers of Japanese (2017); Akita International University (2017); Delaware Valley Teachers of Japanese  (2016); The 9th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese (2016); New Jersey Association of Teachers of Japanese (2014); The 16th Annual CIBER Business Language Conference (2014); Florida International University CIBER (2010); The World Languages Professional Development Collaborative: Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey, New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association and the New Jersey Department of Education (2010)

      Awards: American Association of Teachers of Japanese Teacher Award (2019); Best Project Award, the Second Annual Language Grants Showcase hosted by Penn Language Center, University of Pennsylvania  (2008)

      Professional Leaderships and Activities (Selected): Organizing Committee Member, 2024 International Conference of Japanese Language Education (2024 ICJLE) (2022-2024); Immediate-Past President, American Association of Teachers of Japanese (2023); President, American Association of Teachers of Japanese (2022); Symposium Chair, The 2nd International Symposium for Critical Language Education (2022); President-Elect, American Association of Teachers of Japanese (2021); Editorial Board Member, Global Business Languages (March 2020-Present); Co-Chair, AP Japanese Language and Culture Development Committee, College Board  (July 2018-June 2021); Committee Member, AP Japanese Language and Culture Development Committee, College Board  (July 2017-June 2018); Board Member, American Association of Teachers of Japanese (January 2014-May 2017); Director, National Japanese Exam, American Association of Teachers of Japanese (July 2013-May 2017); Founding Chair of Japanese for Specific Purposes (JSP), Special Interest Group (SIG) at the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) (2007-Present); ACTFL OPI Tester Certificate (Japanese) (2001- 2010); AP Japanese Language and Culture Reading, Educational Testing Service; Intercultural Development Inventory Administrator and Interpreter Certificate (2008)

      Grants (Selected): Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) Grant (2020-Present); CIBER Consortium for Business Language Research and Teaching (2013,2007); Penn Lauder CIBER Faculty Research/Curriculum Development Grant & Business Language Research and Teaching Award/Grant (2010, 2009, 2008); Japanese Language Education Mini-Grant, The Japan Foundation, Los Angels (2010); SAS Language Teaching Innovation Grant (2007, 2006), University of Pennsylvania;

      Scholarships: Teachers College General Scholarship from Teachers College, Columbia University (2010-2012); Rotary Foundation Academic-year Ambassadorial Scholarship (1994-1995)