Chloe Estep

Headshot Of Chloe Estep

Assistant ProfessorModern Chinese and Sinophone Literatures

854 Williams Hall

Office Hours
Prof. Estep is on leave for the 2024-2025 academic year.

PhD, Modern Chinese Literature, Columbia University

MA, Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

AB, Comparative Literature, Princeton University

Research Interests

My research focuses on poetry, media, and material culture in modern China. My book project examines how print periodicals enabled the transformation and modernization of classical aesthetics (including painting and calligraphy) as poets, writers, and artists reckoned with the radical political changes of early twentieth-century China. I am especially interested in what happens when classicism and canonicity become the tools of modernists and nationalists. I am also interested in the history, theory, and practice of translation.

Courses Taught

EALC 1339: Chinese Popular Culture

EALC 2201/6201: Modern East Asian Texts

EALC 3211/7211: Modern Chinese Poetry in a Global Context

EALC 8211: Language, Nation, and Diaspora in East Asia and the World

Selected Publications

“Retroactive Continuity: How (not) to View a Scroll Painting in the Twenty-First Century.” Forthcoming in Comparative Literature.

"Manuscript and the Human in Modern China." Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2024) 11 (1): 172–198.

“'Still holding the pipa to hide half her face': Visions of Bai Juyi's 'Song of the Pipa' in Republican China.” Nan Nü: Men, Women, and Gender in China (2021) 23 (1): 79-109.

“Qu Qiubai and Lu Xun: An Exchange on Translation.” Translation from Mandarin of Lun fanyi《論翻譯 , Guanyu fanyi de tongxin《關於翻譯的通信》, and Zai lun fanyi—da Lu Xun《再論翻譯——答魯迅》by Lu Xun and Qu Qiubai for The Translation Studies Reader, 4th Edition, ed. Lawrence Venuti. Routledge, 2021.

Life. Translation from Mandarin of Rensheng《人生》by Lu Yao 路遙. Amazon Crossing, 2019.


Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Graduate Group

Program in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies