Marina Nascimento

Marina Nascimento studies print media in modern Japan, focusing on magazines targeted to girls and women. Her research interests involve the role of prewar media in disseminating race and gender policies, education, and colonial and imperialist discourse, as well as female visual representation in magazines and women’s non-fictional writing. She received a BA in Japanese Language and Literature from and a MA in Japanese Language, Literature, and Culture from Sao Paulo University, in Brazil, and another MA in Innovative Japanese Studies from Tohoku University in Japan. She has worked as a research assistant in the Japanese Studies Center Library of Sao Paulo University and in the Tohoku University Kawauchi Main Library, as well as a public elementary school teacher for Brazilian immigrant children in Japan.


BA, Japanese Language and Literature, São Paulo University

MA, Japanese Language, Literature, and Culture, São Paulo University

MA, Innovative Japanese Studies, Tohoku University

Research Interests

Japanese Literature; Japanese Pop Culture; Feminism(s); Media Studies; Modern Japanese History; Gender and Queer Studies

Courses Taught

EALC 0060 Introduction to East Asia: Korea

EALC 0020 Introduction to East Asia: China

EALC 0040 Introduction to Japanese Civilization

EALC 1711 East Asian Diplomacy

Selected Publications

De Melo Do Nascimento, Marina Teresinha. 2020. “Women’s Liberation in Meiji Japan: Ruptures in Cultural Conceptions of Female Education, Social Roles, and Political Rights.” Intercultural Relations 4 (2(8):151-75.

Melo, Marina Teresinha Rosa de. Madalena Natsuko Hashimoto Cordaro. 2016. “As Reminiscências Da Guerra No Mangá E No Animê.” Anagrama 10 (2).

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