Past Events

Governing by Elections? Self-Polishing, Gender Regimes, and Campaigning in Mongolia

Dr. Manduhai Buyandelger

In Mongolia, elections run the country instead of the country running its elections. Electoral campaigns are not just a prelude to governing: they are the de facto governing; they…

Rethinking Authenticity in Korean Language Education


2nd Pedagogy Workshop for Korean Language Teachers in Philadelphia


Guest Speaker:

Bryce Heatherly's Disseration Defense

Patterns of Time: Pagodas and Relic Deposits in the Lower Yangzi, Ca. 900-1100

Please join us for Bryce Heatherly's defense of his dissertation, Patterns of Time: Pagodas and Relic Deposits in the Lower Yangzi, Ca. 900-1100, on Friday, March 21st,  at 4:30 PM in 844 Williams Hall.

EALC Speakers' Colloquium

Shaoling Ma, Associate Professor of Asian Studies, Cornell University

Prior to Taiwan’s electronics exportation boom and global domination in the semiconductor industry, computers helped process data for the island-state’s state and private entities, modeled the…

Penn Grad Talks - Featuring EALC PhD student Marina de Melo do Nascimento

Silent Dissent: How Girls’ Magazines in Wartime Japan Negotiated Empire and Expression

Finalists for Penn Grad Talks have been chosen, and EALC’s very own 

EALC Speakers' Colloquium

How to Write a Comprehensive History of Early Medieval Central Asia?
Etienne de la Vaissiere

The publication last year of Asie centrale 300-850 is an attempt to provide a total but detailed history of Early Medieval Central Asia, i.e. to deal in a few hundred pages with…

Through the Looking-Glass

A Glimpse into the Linguistic Ecology of Hainan Island
Dr. Zeng Xiuwei May 曾綉薇

Textual records about Hainan Island are scarce due to its remoteness and inhabitation predominantly by non-Han peoples until the 10th century CE. That the island has been settled by people of different ethnic groups…

The Outbreak of the Jōkyū War (1221)

Triangulating Myth and History in Medieval Japan
Michael McCarty

In the Jōkyū War of 1221, retired emperor Go-Toba declared war on the Hōjō warrior family in attempt to destroy Japan’s first warrior government, the Kamakura bakufu, which had shared power with the imperial…

Korea Day @ Penn


The Penn Korean Language Program and the James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies are excited to announce Korea Day at Penn – a special event for Democracy Prep Bronx High School students on November 8th 2024. The…

The Trial as Theater in Medieval Japan

Vyjayanthi Selinger

This EALC Speakers' Colloquium lecture is co-sponsored with Global Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

Not-so-Famous Plants

Garden Culture, Botanical Knowledge and Regional Painting Traditions in Ming China
Katie Ryor

Scholarship on the bird-and-flower genre of Chinese painting has almost exclusively focused on their function as visual rebuses that convey auspicious messages or has explored the ways that the scholar-elite used…

Dialogues of Conflict in Mengzi and Vimalakirti

Kenneth Holloway

Please join us for the first lecture in the 2024-2025 EALC Speakers' Colloquium. 

The Transnational Korea in Eurasian Context Conference

May 10, 2024 - May 11, 2024 at -

The “Transnational Korea in Eurasian Context” conference serves as a unique platform for sharing cutting-edge research, fostering collaboration, and engaging in thought-provoking discussions within the realm of…

Taiko Workshop and Performance


6th Annual EALC Graduate Student Research Colloquium


Please join the EALC department for the 6th Graduate Student Research Colloquium Conference, featuring a keynote speech by Dr. Seiji Shirane!

Hear about the research graduate students at Penn…

The Enemy’s Property

Theodore Hughes

Please join us for the next lecture in the EALC Speakers' Colloquium. 

Popular Literature and Manuscript Culture in Rural North China, 17th-19th Centuries

The Liaozhai Collection at Keio University
Zhenzhen Lu

Zhenzhen Lu will be presenting as part of the Spring 2024 Workshop in the History of Material Texts on April 15, 2024 at 5:15 PM. Zhenzhen received her PhD…

Innovative Approaches to Korean Language Education

Empowering Students with Generative AI and Immersive VR

The Korean Language Program is pleased to announce the first Pedagogy Workshop for Korean Teachers in Philadelphia with support from EALC and CEAS. The theme of this year’s workshop is “Innovative Approaches to…

A Sage Embellished with Elements of “Chinoiserie”

The Making of Jesus in the Jesuit Figurists Translations of Chinese Classics
Sophie Ling-chia Wei

Please join us for the next lecture in the EALC Speakers' Colloquium. 

Should I Be Worried?

Anxiety in Dunhuang Divination
Zhao Lu

Please join us for the next lecture in the EALC Speakers' Colloquium.