
Preparing students for careers in academia and industry in East Asia for over 150 years


Penn Grad Talks - Featuring EALC PhD student Marina de Melo do Nascimento

Silent Dissent: How Girls’ Magazines in Wartime Japan Negotiated Empire and Expression
- | Widener Lecture Hall, Penn Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Finalists for Penn Grad Talks have been chosen, and EALC’s very own 

EALC Speakers' Colloquium

Shaoling Ma
- | Williams Hall 623
255 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Kin and Kind

The Vocabulary of Ethnicity in Medieval China
Shao-yun Yang
- | Williams Hall 623
255 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

While the standard terms for an ethnic group in modern Chinese are minzu